Michael Nolan, CEO

behindthewalls.com | November 2024

Ministry Update

We have reached the home stretch for 2024. To round out the year, we have an event in Gatesville, TX, our team 2025 strategic planning meetings, and our year-end campaign. It may seem like things are slowing down, but our staff is already processing the details for the nineteen events we have on the calendar for next year and working on more to add. Our goal for 2025 is 72 events. We know today we have one less day to teach and share the Gospel than we had yesterday. As it is written in Ephesians 5:16, we need to redeem the time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We thank God for all of you and pray that each and every one of you has a blessed Thanksgiving. 

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,..." Philippians 1:3

Event Results: We have held four events since the last newsletter including the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Day of Champions which is the largest one of the year. We trained 292 Teammates including 79 Rookies who had 3,033 Gospel conversations. From those conversations, 440 inmates began relationships with Jesus and another 865 repented and returned to Him. We also trained 755 inmates to use our tract in those four events!

Fort Leavenworth: Last Friday we had the privilege of taking the Good News behind the walls of the United States Disciplinary Barracks in Fort Leavenworth, KS. This is the first time we have been in there since 1990! We took 19 men, 15 of whom are former military. We had the opportunity to share with 85 men. 13 of them began relationships with Jesus, 20 repented and returned to Him, and we trained another 46 how to use tract to share after the event. This has opened the door to more areas of the facility and to bigger future events! Because of the nature of this event, we were not able to advertise it publicly and as a result have not reached our budget. If you are interested in helping us fund this event, click here to give online.

Christmas in Gatesville:  The Christmas in Gatesville event this December is our last for 2024. To say it is a very popular event is an understatement. We had to close registration two weeks early because we were bursting at the seams! There is potential for us to reach thousands of women with the Gospel as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We are still working on raising the funds and if you would like to support it or know someone who would, click here to give online.

2025 Events: 2025 events are online and open for registration and many more will be added in the near future. We are aiming for 72 this year, the most our ministry has done in a single year in its history. 

Two Stories of Transformation

This is what we like to see!

At the DFW event, Andy (center) was a Rookie in the Buster Cole unit. When we went in on Saturday, he was celebrating his one year anniversary exactly 365 days from being released from prison. That unit was one of the units where he had been incarcerated and he thanked Chaplain Randy Hill for being a great support during his time behind the walls. Andy is now an active church member and serving his community.

Stephanie is a young lady we met on the Columbus, OH North DOC. She gave her life to Jesus and, since being released, has been welcomed into a local church family in Ohio and gone behind the walls to share Jesus with other inmates!

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