Ocala, FL Lowell DOC
Saturday, April 5
Event Information
Behind the Walls
Saturday, April 5, 7:00AM-3:00PM
(times subject to change)
Registration Deadline
Sunday, March 2
Equip & Ignite Training
Friday, April 4, 5:30PM
Location TBD
Registration Fee- $25.00*
Want to help make this event happen? Join the Local Team! Click here for more info.
Click here to see if you are eligible to serve on this event.
When you support a Bill Glass Behind the Walls' event, you are helping to train more, send more, and win more one soul at a time!
**Please note, a gift to an event does not register you for an event.**
Event Budget
Important Information
The state of Florida requires all participants to have completed an online training and received a PIN number to be admitted to their facilities. Please complete the Florida DOC volunteer application by clicking here. Below are some of the answers you will need to enter:
Job Title: Volunteer
Work Location: Lowell Correctional
Volunteering Type: Occasional
Volunteer Services Provided: Faith and Character Based Programs
Skill and abilities: Interpersonal
On the second page: Select Institution: 314-Lowell C.I.
After you have completed the form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to attend an online training course. Once you have completed the course, you will need to contact Chaplain Coleman (352-690-8946) to receive your PIN. When you have received your PIN, email it to twoodlin@behindthewalls.com by Tuesday, March 4.
No holes in clothing, No open toe shoes, No halter tops, No underwire bras, No smart watches.
Contact Information
Event Administrator: Tony Woodlin Click to email
Phone: 972.298.1101 ext. 7320 Click to call
Event Director: Jeff Spooneybarger Click to email
Travel Information
Closest Airport(s)
Suggested Hotel
Please note: BTW does not make hotel reservations for events.
*We charge a nominal, non-refundable registration fee to help cover materials you will use at the event, training, and either one or two meals. For more information, please see our FAQ page.